Developmental Mathematics

Intermediate Algebra (DVMT 099) helps students develop mathematics abilities that enable them to complete mathematics courses necessary for their plan of study.  Personalized instruction and mastery learning characterize the instruction in this class. 

DVMT 099: Intermediate Algebra

An introduction to the fundamental aspects of algebra, including properties of the real number system; integer arithmetic; operations with positive and negative exponents; variables and linear equations; graphing; second-degree equations; factoring; operations with positive, negative, and fractional exponents; and quadratic equations.  Completion of this course will meet the prerequisites for MATH 118A and 119A.  This course is graded on an A, B, or F basis.  It is worth three (3) credits and is offered every semester.  However, it does not fulfill the Basic University Requirement in mathematics, nor may the credits be used to fulfill the 120-credit hour minimum required for graduation. Intended for Math level 0 STEM and Business majors.



The ACHIEVE program is offered for a variety of courses (104A,109A,118A,119A) and is designed to support underprepared students in introductory mathematics. These courses integrate credit-bearing material that fulfills the General Education Program (GEP) and/or graduation requirements while providing additional instructional time and support. Meeting five hours each week, ACHIEVE courses ensure students receive the extra help they need to succeed in college-level math. The program focuses on delivering specialized materials that cater to the unique needs of each student, helping them achieve their academic goals.


150 Pullen Hall
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.